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University of Tennessee at Martin (UTM)
Martin, TN
Undergraduate Enrollment:
Available Undergraduate Programs in English:
English Department Faculty:
Dr. Kelle Alden, Assistant Professor of English, Director of the Hortense Parrish Writing Center
Dr. Lynn M. Alexander, Professor and Dean of Humanities
Sally Brannen, Instructor of English
Dr. Trisha Capansky, Associate Professor of English
Dr. David Carithers, Associate Professor of English
Dr. Maari Carter, Assistant Professor of English
Dr. John Glass, Associate Professor of English
Jennifer Glass, Lecturer of English Tim Hacker, Instructor of English
Dr. Ean High, Assistant Professor of English
Dr. Chris Hill, Associate Professor of English
Dr. Melvin Hill, Associate Professor of English
Dr. Heidi Huse, Associate Professor of English
Dr. Jeff Longacre, Professor of English and Chair
Logan Musser, Adjunct Instructor of English
Dr. Daniel Pigg, Professor of English
Chris Posadny, Adjunct Instructor of English
Allen Pounds, Adjunct Instructor of English
Lana Warren, Adjunct Instructor of English
Dr. David Williams, Lecturer of English